Author Archives: Team

What Is the CASA Compact? How Will It Affect Landlords

compact home in california

The rent control battle in California continues in spite of the recent defeat of Proposition 10 in November 2018. With the recently proposed “CASA Compact” lawmakers hope to enforce new housing policies that will among other things impose rent control, allow in-law suites and taller multifamily properties to be built in the Bay Area. Sadly, […]

Lawmakers Push for More Rent Control Legislation Post Prop 10

Rent Control

Proposition 10 was defeated in the November 2018 election and although the bill was defeated, lawmakers promised a renewed effort at enacting rent control in California especially with the election of Governor Newsom who promised to sign rent control legislation once it reaches his desk. AB 36 Seeks To “Stabilize” Rents in California While Increasing […]

Bill would require landlords to consider Section 8 applicants

Venice Beach

One of the latest bills that California landlords should be following is SB 329, a bill introduced this week that will require landlords to consider tenants that are on Section 8 or any other Federal Housing program. About SB 329 Under the existing law, the Fair Employment and Housing Act, prohibits housing discrimination, including discrimination […]

Affordable ways to enhance your rental property’s curb appeal

Property management

A property’s exterior іѕ uѕuаllу thе fіrѕt thing реорlе nоtісе. Curb арреаl аttrасtѕ роtеntіаl tеnаntѕ, реrѕuаdеѕ thеm tо lооk mоrе сlоѕеlу аt уоur rеntаl hоmе and wіll ѕhоw іf it hаѕ bееn рrореrlу maintained. It саn also аdd thаt ѕресіаl touch that mаkеѕ іt a home, instead оf juѕt another рrореrtу. Curb арреаl dоеѕn’t have […]

California Rent Control Initiatives Stymied by Lack of Hard Data

Property management

Less than four months after an initiative to allow cities to expand rent control failed overwhelmingly at the ballot box, and less than four months after then-incoming Gov. Gavin Newsom discussed brokering a compromise between tenant and landlord groups, no new legislation from lawmakers or specific proposals from the Newsom administration have been introduced to […]

Owners, Don’t Miss the CAA’s 2019 Legislative Conference on May 29th – Protect Your Rental Investment from Strict Rent Control

Property owners

2018 was a huge year for owners of rental properties in California, especially those people who own fewer than 150 units due to the year long battle against Proposition 10, the rent control measure that if approved would have ended Costa Hawkins and brought rent control to California on a widespread scale. A few months […]

What’s Happening to All the Smaller Multifamily Buildings in The United States?

Monterey County property management

There’s no denying that we have a housing crisis in California and across the United States but the big question is what’s being done about it? Thankfully, over the last three years developers are building more multifamily rental properties across the United States but, those properties are bigger than in years past and have 50 […]

Governor Newsom Puts Central Coast Cities on Notice Over Housing

Monterey County property management

Since becoming Governor of California, Gavin Newsom has been busy, and one of his recent efforts includes taking steps to stop the housing shortage in California. Specifically, Governor Newsom has targeted seven Central Coast cities who the state views as being “out of compliance” with housing requirements. What Comes Next? There’s no doubt that California […]

Reasons to Hire A Property Manager to Help You Purchase Your Monterey County Investment Property

Property management

Are you planning on purchasing a Monterey county investment property? If so, one of the best things you can do is hire a property manager to help you purchase that new property. How A Property Manager Can Help You Choose A New Investment Property If you’ve never hired a property manager in the past, here are […]

Could The Same Rent Trends That We Saw In 2018 Come Again?

Rent report

There’s no doubt that the rental market had a big year in 2018 especially with the issue of rent control in California which was talked about for the entire year heading to the November vote. The big question is what were the trends that we saw in 2018 and could we see those same trends […]