In March 2020, Covid-19 caught everyone off guard in California and there’s no doubt that having a moratorium on evictions was necessary to keep thousands of people off the streets but as the eviction moratorium moves into it’s 4th month, there’s been little talk in the media about the unseen costs of the eviction moratorium. […]
Category Archives: Eviction Moratorium
The statewide eviction ban may be close to coming to an end but that hasn’t stopped the Governor and lawmakers from throwing their support behind local governments in their efforts to continue local eviction bans. This was to be expected since multiple lawsuits against the Statewide eviction ban may be bringing that to a close […]
Doug Michie, a Ventura based lawyer, filed a complaint on May 8th. 2020 with the 3rd district court of California against the Governor’s executive order banning the evictions of tenants who are living in rental properties across the state. In his complaint, Michie used specific text from the United States Constitution as the basis for […]