One of the most important things that every landlord should do is inspect their rental properties at least twice per year. This is an important property management tip because it will enable a landlord to verify the condition their property is currently in and fix any maintenance issues before they turn into big problems.

If it’s been a while since you inspected your rental properties, this article will provide you with a checklist that you can use to do a professional property walk through.

What To Inspect In Your Rental PropertyĀ 

1. The Furnace and Air Conditioner

Furnaces and air conditioners are notorious for collecting dust and dirt fromĀ tenantsĀ not changing out filters. Inspect the filters and furnace to make sure that the tenants are keeping up with the replacements if needed. Donā€™t forget to check the outside A/C compressor units as well. Layers of dust, pollen, and grass can accrue on the units, causing them to run inefficiently. Clean all as needed.

2. Sinks

Sinks are notorious for dripping and leaking, and tenants are notorious for not calling about these issues. Check the functionality of the sinks and all associated equipment like spray attachments and garbage disposals. Take a look under the sink to make sure there is no evidence of mold from past water leaks or water staining.

3. Toilets

Sometimes I think toilets have costĀ landlordsĀ more money over simple fixes than any other water-related appliance in a house. In my previous article, I told you about how we were losing $30-$50 per month because of a leaky toilet that nobody bothered to call about.

When you check toilets, take the lid off and inspect the fill valves along with the flapper. If they look old and corroded, you may be better off replacing them preemptively rather than waiting for it to fail. The combination of fill valve and flapper is about $15 at a hardware store.

4. Doors and Windows

Doors and windows should be checked for any large gaps or cracks that could let unwanted air through. Check the general condition and security of the door and locks. Its your responsibility to ensure that you provide the tenant with a functioning door and lock. Not to mention that it gives them a sense of peace and security knowing that someone canā€™t just come blow their door down.

5. The Foundation/Structural Integrity

Checking the outside of your home can tell you a lot about the general condition of the building. Maybe you notice a lean that was not there last year, or maybe thereā€™s a large pressure crack in the cement from the frost heaving thatā€™s causing a safety concern. You donā€™t have to bring a structural engineer on board to do this, just give it a standard look to make sure there is nothing blatantly obvious with the house that needs immediate attention.

6. The Roof


A house roof is an item that is not only expensive to replace, but can also cost a lot of money if not maintained. You donā€™t need to get on the roof,Ā  but check for curling or missing shingles from weather or wind damage. If you do decide to go up on the roof, you might as well take a peek at the gutters to make sure they are free of leaves and debris.

7. Major Appliances

If you supply the main appliances to the home, you want to check on their condition and security. Now, I personally donā€™t open the tenants fridge, etc., but I do a pretty good look-over of the appliances to ensure there are no water leaks present and that the appliances are being properly maintained.

Check the dryer screen too. This will tell you if the tenant is neglecting to care for the dryer, which can ultimately end up costing you in the long runā€”like a fire starting from a full lint trap. A simple reminder usually helps with the issue.

8. Yard Care and General Cleanliness

Checking the general cleanliness of the house and appearance of the yard work will tell you a lot about the tenant. Maybe they would rake the leaves if you provided them a rake? And maybe they would be more willing to clean up pet messes if they were provided a cheap scoop? Just a thought!

9. Evidence of Undocumented Guests or Pets


Tenants are usually terrible at hiding the fact that they may or may not have an undocumented pet when the landlord shows up. The best place to look for evidence is animal poop in the yard. Another is left out food dishes and toys. Just keep an eye out for these things.

Pets arenā€™t the only things tenants sneak into a home either. Undocumented guests can be a liability for owners, so ensure that everyone that resides there is annotated on the lease.

10. Pest Damage

Gophers, ground hogs, bats, spiders, snakes, bugs, you name it. Check for the things that might not always be so obvious. Our company spent $1,600 on the removal of a protected species of bat that had inhabited the home all because we didnā€™t fill one small gap with spray foam.

The apparent danger with the batsā€™ presence was the potential ā€œbat-bugā€ infestation. Bat bugs are spread by bats and multiply quickly in residences, causing problems for tenants and costing big dollars to remove.

Source – Bigger Pockets

Contact 36 North Property Management

To learn more about what you should inspect at your rental property, or to speak with us about the property management services we can offer you, contact us today by calling (831) 484-4604 or click here to connect with us online.